26/11 And "Myth of Saffron Terrorism" - Part One
During 2004 and 2014, there were huge number of violent terrorist attacks. Just to give an idea, during this period, there were 25 major terrorist attacks in India. Please see the link given in this article to see the details. And government in power at that time was unable to stop these regular attacks.
Each of these terrorist attacks were done by the believers of radical Islam, either by Indian
radical Muslim organizations like SIMI or by Pakistan based terrorist organizations like JeM, LeT
By early 2007, the existing political establishment was worried about getting muslim votes in the
upcoming general elections, which was due in 2009. Muslim community was extremely unhappy
with the then ruling party on the harassment of Muslim youths by the police and widespread bad publicity to the muslim community.
Then ruling party wanted a diversionary story to mask the terrorist activities that happened between 2004 and 2008 (before 26/11/2008). They had the urgency to INVENTsomething big that would undermine all the Muslim terrorist activities for all these years. It should project, it is not just the Muslims who are doing terrorism but Hindus too are equally involved. Hence ruling party leaders coined the term "Saffron Terrorism".
What was Saffron Terrorism?
It was a theory that was created to imply that Hindus were being trained by the right wing Hindu organizations like RSS, Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP), Bajarang Dal and Sanatan Dharm, to conduct terrorist activities in India.
Who created this theory?
The term “Saffron Terrorism” was introduced and described many times by the senior then ruling party leaders and ministers in the UPA government like Rahul Gandhi, P. Chidambaram, Digvijay Singh, A. R. Antule, Shushil Kumar Shinde, Sharad Pawar.
Please see the links given in this article whereinthese leaders have talked about "Saffron Terrorism".
How did the concept of "Saffron Terrorism" evolve?
By late 2006, Congress party, rattled by the unstoppable continuous terrorist attacks, started looking for the ways to divert public/media attention from the radical muslim activities and put the blame on the majority Hindu community for some of the terrorist attacks. They picked up past attacks like Samjhauta Express bombing (2006) and Malegoan blasts (2007) for putting the blame on Hindu terrorists under the term "Saffron Terrorism"..
Both these terrorist attacks were picked because the Muslims were the victims in these bombings and notion was, "Muslims don't kill brother Muslims." They arrested Sadvi Pragya, Lt. Col. Purohit and others in these bombings in 2008. This was the time when India heard the term "Saffron Terrorism" for the first time.
How these earlier terrorist attacks are linked with 26/11 attacks?
The process of framing Hindus in these terrorist attacks had began in late 2008 by arresting activists from Hindu organizations. They were arrested for Malegoan blasts and Samjhauta Express bombing. But Congress party leaders knew, arresting few Hindus in two terrorist activities was not going to make a big dent. The Congress leaders wanted something very big (terrorist) action to happen so that they can link Hindus to this attack. This would have given credibility to the "Saffron Terrorism" and shame majority Hindu communit.This would have also relived the Muslim community from all the terrorist attacks since 2004.
This is the most likely reason why 26/11 was planned and executed. The original plan was to blame Hindus for the 26/11 attacks, but that failed completely because of two reasons. First Kasab was caught alive and second, Intelligence Bureau (IB) intercepted Pakistani handler's wireless communication with the 10 terrorists.
26/11 attackers were Pakistanis, then how this attack could be linked to Saffron
Now one may ask, how 26/11 attacks could be linked with Saffron Terrorism whenall the 10 terrorists were identified as Muslim terrorists from Pakistan. Well, this partis explained in details with facts in this article but just to give a hint, all these 10
terrorists were wearing red/saffron wrist bands, just like Hindus wear. All of themhad fake identitycards with Hindu names. The fake name and identity of eachterrorist is given in this article.
Pakistan had conducted numerous terrorists attacks in India using Pakistani nationalsbut in no case, they tried to hide their identity. Then why they were using Hindu namesthis time? Why these terrorists were taught to speak fluent Hindi? All these points,which are not known to the common people are discussed in this article with all the relevant links.
The article also examines Additional Police Commissioner, Mr. Hemant Karkare's role in investigating the "Saffron Terrorism" charges. The question is,...was he really killed by Kasab and Ismail in the narrow lane of Rang Bhavan on the night of 26/11? Was he set up to be a fall guy to give authenticity to the theory, that Saffron Terrorists
killed Karkare during 26/11 because he was investigating Hindu organization's role in Samjhauta Express bombing and Malegoan bombing?
Police have the list of arms and ammunitions that the 10 Pakistani terrorists carried with them from Pakistan. This ammunition was not at all sufficient to carry out war with the security forces for 68 hours. Does it mean, they received replenishment of arms and ammunitions in the two hotels? Did someone stocked them in the hotel
room prior to 26/11?
There are lot of such open questions, which are discussed in this article.
Who were involved in the 26/11 conspiracy?
This article has gone in depth to establish a nexus between different terrorists incidences prior to 26/11 and with 26/11. The analysis of information leads to an understanding that 26/11 attack was not just the work of Pakistan but multiple entities might have been involved. The Indian politicians might have collaborated with Pakistan’s Inter Service Intelligence (ISI) and Jaish-e-Mohommad (JeM). Plus, the terrorists might have received vital help from few top level Mumbai police officers and few Mumbai locals.
26/11 attacks were not just the work of Pakistan, as portrayed earlier. There might be some powerful Indians involved. It was a very dangerous game played with the security, integrity and honor of the Indian nation.
About this article...
This article is written after about three years of painstaking research and connecting
the dots. The article discuss lots of activities that happened prior to 26/11 because
without which, it is difficult to connect dots with 26/11.
This article was ready in April 2019 itself but I did not publish it because of the general elections in India in May 2019. I did not want anyone to say that the article is written with a intention of giving political advantage to
any party.
I have referred books like "Hindu Terrorism" written by Mr. R. V. S. Mani, Marathi book
Kasab Ani Mi 26/11 by Ramesh Mahale and "To The Last Bullet" by Ms. Vinita Kamte for
this article. I want to sincerely thank these writers for giving good insight of Saffron
Terrorism and 26/11 attacks. This article
also referred lot of online publications and
the links of these websites are also given in this article.
Disclaimer - This article is not written with an intention for the political gains or accusing any politician or accusing political party or the community
or the country. Any name referred in this article is coming from some reference article and it is not intended to accuse or maline or harass anyone. All the information collected is available in the public domain. The names given in this article are used for reference only. This article is not intended to accuse any individual/s or spread rumors.
Part One -
Saffron Terrorism
During UPA rule, there were 25 terrorist attacks between 2004 and 2008, all over major cities in India. Please see the list below.
Most of these terrorist acts were done by the Muslim terrorist organizations, some indigenous organizations and some directly by Pakistan. But the bottom line was, the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government was unable to stop these terrorist
attacks happening at regular intervals. However, it was showing the UPA government in a very bad light. This was not good for the Congress Partyvote bank politics.
attacks happening at regular intervals. However, it was showing the UPA government in a very bad light. This was not good for the Congress Partyvote bank politics.
Congress government wanted to divert the attention from Muslim terrorism to something else. Hence “Saffron Terrorism” term was coined to show that, not only Muslims but Hindus too, are involved in the terrorist attacks. Congress government wanted to show that Hindus are equally responsible for the terrorism. The government expectation was, this line of argument would shift the focus from Muslim terrorism to Hindu terrorism. Thus. the senior most ministers from UPA government and senior Congress Party leaders, repeatedly made statements in 2008, MUCH BEFORE 26/11 about the Saffron Terrorism. Please see the statement of Rahul Gandhi, the thenhome minister Sushil Kumar Shinde, Madhya Pradesh CM Digvijay Singh and Finance MinisterChidambaram down below.
Statement from P Chidambaram -
Link# 3- https://www.ndtv.com/video/news/news/saffron-terror-new-phenomenon-chidambaram-160186
Link# 3- https://www.ndtv.com/video/news/news/saffron-terror-new-phenomenon-chidambaram-160186
Statement from Rahul Gandhi made to the US ambassador
Statement from Didvijay Singh that was published in Pakistani press.
Statement from Sharad Pawar implicating Sadvi Pragya and Lt. Col. Purohit
These leaders knew that making verbal statements on Saffron Terrorism meant nothing and theyneeded a rock solid story and the arrests of Hindus to prove the allegations. Because of this, the leaders dug into past terrorists attacks which were targeted against the Muslim population, such as the Samjhauta Express bombing and Malegoan bomb blasts.
Happenings before 26/11
Let's check what happened when on the timeline
We will put the all the major happenings in Samzuata Express bombing and Malegoan bombing on the timescale to get clear picture of how UPA government successfully changed the facts to blame it on Saffron Terrorism. These are the two bombings where UPA government shifted the blame on Saffron Terrorism. It isinteresting to note the dates here. SamjhautaExpress bomb blast occurredon 18Th Feb 2007 and Malegoan bomb blast happened on 8Th September 2006.
Till early 2008, investigation agencies were suspecting Pakistani based terrorist organizations likeLaskhar-e-Toiba (LeT) and Jaish-e-Mohammadas the prime suspects. Investigation agencies shared this information with the union home ministry and this was also recorded in the official Meeting Minutes of the Home Department held in early 2008.
Please see the video clip given below. In this MOM, there is no mention of “Saffron Terrorism” in these meeting minutes. Please note, all these dates are well before 26/11.
On 26ThMarch 2008, (well before 26/11) NIA arrested chief of SIMI (Students Islamic Movement of India) Safdar Naagari from Indore. He was subjected to Norco Polygraph test and he clearly said, the Samjhauta Express bombing and Malegoan bombing were executed by LeT in conjunction with SIMI. He gave the 12 names of those involved, explained their roles and motive behind these blasts. With his statements, it was very clear that it was the work of Pakistan’s ISI, LeT and SIMI. He did not take names of any Hindu person or any Hindu organization. Though the Norco Polygraph testimony is not admissible in the court as an evidence but still NIA should have followedup on the names, leads and investigated. None of this information was checked by NIA or any other investigating agency…WHY? It was clear that till March 2008, there was no indication of Hindu
Terrorists involved in these two bomb blasts.
Terrorists involved in these two bomb blasts.
Please see the actual video of Safdar Naagri giving Norco test. It is shocking….
The Norco testing info extracted from Safdar Naagri was available well before Lt. Colonel Purohit, Sadhvi Pagya and Swami Aasamanand were arrested on the charges of bombing Samjhauta Express and Malegoan blasts. But then, why UPA government ignored the info given by the dreaded terrorist, Safdar Naagari and instead, arrested Lt. Colonel Purohit, Sadhvi Pagya few months later for the Samjhuata express bombing and Malegoan bombing?
Gurdeep Singh who was the investigating office for the Samjhauta Express bombing (Before NIA took over) has given a witness in the court saying, he had interrogated a Pakistani national named Azmat Ali. Azmat’s description matched with the description of the person who had placed bomb in the Samjhauta express. Later, Azmat and his accompli had confessed their role in the bombing and were granted 14 days judicial custody by the court. But at the end of 14 days, top police officers informed the court that they have completed the investigation and this man is innocent and must be released. Based on this disposition, court released Azmat. Later, Azmat disappeared completely with no trace. How could police determine so quickly that Azmat was not involved? Why he was let go when he was an illegal pakistani national with no travel documents? This could not have happened w/o very high level political pressure. Who did that?
Please read the article below.
After Samjhauta Express bombing, United Statesconducted its own analysis and named Aariz Kasmaniof Pakistan’s LeT organization as the kingpin for the bombing.
US moved to United Nation and declared his name as a terrorists. US shared this information with India but again, UPA government did nothingon this info.
US moved to United Nation and declared his name as a terrorists. US shared this information with India but again, UPA government did nothingon this info.
This clearly shows till April 2008, central home ministry had clear information that these two blastswas the handiwork of Pakistani terrorist groups and Indian Mujahiddin (IM).
Can UPA ministers explain why no action was taken on Safdar Naagari’s Norco testimony? Why Pakistani national Kazmi was let go from the jail without proper investigation? This information was available well before the Lt. Colonel Purohit and Sadhvi Pragya were arrested for their terrorist role in the SAME CRIME, that is, Samjhauta express blast and Malegoan blast. If UPA government had honestly probed the Norco testing information then probably, lots of lives could have been saved. But UPA government failed to probe the details from the Norco testing.It is interesting to mention here an incidence that Home Ministry Under Secretary Mr. Mani has written in his book “Hindu Terrorism”. He has said, one day in 2006 he got a call from the home minister’s office asking him to come to see Home Minister immediately. Since all his seniors were out of office and he was the senior most officer, he went to the Home Minister, Mr. Shivraj Patil’s chamber. There were two more people in the chamber before Mr. Mani went. One was Madhya Pradesh chief minister Mr. Digvijay Singh and the second was a new face to Mr. Mani. Digvijay Singh introduced the second person as Mr. Hemant Karkare, IPS officer from Maharashtra cadre. Mr.Mani was wondering what a Maharashtra cadre IPS officer Karkare doing with M.P. chief minister? What is the connectio?Slowly these two started discussion about Saffron Terrorism, a term totally unheard by Mr. Mani earlier. They were talking about a fire and a small blast in the industrial area in Nanded. Apparentlya small scale manufacturing unit had caught fire and there was a small blast of some industrial gas cylinder. Local police had arrested the owner of the unit, named Mr. Kulkarni. The local police had a suspicion that Kulkarni deliberately set the fire to claim insurance. Mr. Mani could not give any inputs on this case because Home Ministry had never heard of this incidence.
But Digvijay Singh and Karkare were discussing the possibility of converting this fire and the blas as an act of some sort of Saffron Terrorism. At that time, Mani had no idea what “Saffron Terrorism” was. With the conversation going on between Karkare and Digvijay Singh, Mr. Mani understood that Hemant Karkare had tried arresting Kulkarni for Saffron Terrorism but could not find enough evidence to prove the charges against Mr. Kulkarni and they had to let him go. Basically Karkarewas trying to “FIND” evidence to make arrests under the term “Saffron Terrorism”.
Please note, this is a story from 2006.
Please note, this is a story from 2006.
While all this was going on, home minister Shivraj Patil was sitting in a different area in his office. Being a Home Minister, he was not part of this discussions!
Here are few more interesting dates.
Lt. Colonel Purohit was arrested in early November 2008, just two weeks before 26/11.Sadhvi Pragya was arrested October 2008, this is also just before 26/11.
Both these arrests were widely publicized by the UPA government and lot of extravagant publicity campaign was launched by the UPA governmenton the coined term of “Saffron Terrorists”.
Here are the highlights of sequence of events….
8Th September 2006 - Malegoan bomb blast
18Th February 2007 - Samjhauta Express bombing
6th March 2007 - Pakistani national Kazmi arrested for Samjhauta express bombing.
20th March 2007 - Kazmi released by the court
Till March 2008 - All Home Ministry reports suggest involvement of SIMI and some other Pakistani groups in these two bombings.
26th March 2008 - SIMI chief, Safdaar Nagari was arrested and later he confirmed involvement. of JeM, LeT and SIMI organizations in these two bomb blasts. He did not mention involvement of any Hindu organization.
Note - Till March 2008, Home Ministry was believing that these two bomb blasts were the work of Pakistani LeT and SIMI.
October/November 2008 - Maharashtra government arrested Sadhvi Pragya and Colonel Purohit for their role in Samjhauta Express blast and Malegoan blasts. UPA government coins the term “Saffron Terrorism” and start widespread publicity campaign.

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